true, if one can see sky from the specified position, false otherwise
Finds nearest to y=128 coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates
Finds nearest to y=64 coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates
Finds nearest to the specified y coordinate empty space on the specified x and z coordinates
Generates ore vein on the specified coordinates using specified params
generation params
amount of the ore to be generated
ore data
ore tile id
if true, no check for stone is performed so the ore may be generated in the air. Use this to debug ore generation in the superflat worlds
if amount is not specified, used to calculate amount
if amount is not specified, used to calculate amount, using simple formula
size * ratio * 3
Generates ore vein on the specified coordinates
ore tile id
ore data
ore amount, use number at least 6 to be able to find generated ore. Note that amount doesn't mean blocks count, it is just an input value for generation algorithm
if true, no check for stone is performed so the ore may be generated in the air. Use this to debug ore generation in the superflat worlds
random generation seed
Generates ore with custom whitelist/blacklist, see GenerationUtils.generateOre for details
if true, specified block ids are used as whitelist for generation (only the ids from the list can be replaced with ores), if false - specified block ids are used as a blacklist (only the ids from the list canNOT be replaced with ores)
array of block ids to be used as whitelist or blacklist
Retrieves perlin noise value at the specified coordinates
integer random generator seed. If not specified or set to 0, the default constant value is used
noise size, to set the main octave size, use 1 / octave size
number of octaves, the more octaves you use, the more detailed is the generated noise. The next octave is two times smaller then the previous one
numeric tile id
true if block is solid and light blocking block, false otherwise
numeric tile id
true if block is transparent, false otherwise
Generates random coordinates inside specified chunk
chunk x coordinate
chunk z coordinate
lowest possible y coordinate. Default is 0
highest possible y coordinate. Default is 128
Generates random x and z coordinates inside specified chunk
chunk x coordinate
chunk z coordinate
Generated using TypeDoc
Module used to simplify generation tasks in mods logic