Used to specify that the block should be absent to satisfy condition
Used to specify that the block should be present to satisfy condition
Constructs new BLOCK condition
is relative x coordinate
is relative y coordinate
is relative z coordinate
blocks group to check the condition for
if true, the blocks from the group make the condition evaluate as false, as true otherwise
Constructs new RANDOM condition
value that a generated random integer number should be for the condition to evaluate as true
maximum value for the generator
seed to be used for random numbers generation
Constructs new RANDOM condition with default seed and 0 as desired random value
maximum value for the generator
group name
block group by its name, if no group with specified name exist, this function creates a new one
Creates a new group with a unique name
Generated using TypeDoc
Class used to define block models that depend on surrounding blocks. Some examples of such blocks are wires, pipes, block structure parts, etc.