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Namespace Recipes

Module used to manipulate crafting recipes for vanilla and custom workbenches



  • addFurnace(sourceId: number, sourceData: number, resultId: number, resultData: number, prefix?: string): void
  • addFurnace(sourceId: number, resultId: number, resultData: number, prefix?: string): void
  • Adds new furnace recipe


    • sourceId: number

      source item id

    • sourceData: number

      source item data

    • resultId: number

      resulting item id

    • resultData: number

      resulting item data

    • Optional prefix: string

      prefix, used to create recipes for non-vanilla furnaces

    Returns void

  • Adds new furnace recipe with no need to manually specify input item data (it defaults to -1)


    • sourceId: number

      source item id

    • resultId: number

      result item id

    • resultData: number

      resulting item data

    • Optional prefix: string

      prefix, used to create recipes for non-vanilla furnaces. If the prefix is not empty and some recipes for this source exist for vanilla furnace, they are removed

    Returns void

  • addFurnaceFuel(id: number, data: number, time: number): void
  • Adds fuel that can be used in the furnace


    • id: number

      fuel item id

    • data: number

      fuel item data

    • time: number

      burning time in ticks

    Returns void

  • Adds new shaped crafting recipe. For example:

    Simple example:

    Recipes.addShaped({id: 264, count: 1, data: 0}, [
    ], ['x', 265, 0, 'a', 266, 0]);


    • result: ItemInstance

      recipe result item

    • mask: string[]

      recipe shape, up to three string corresponding to the three crafting field rows. Each character means one item in the field. E.g. the pickaxe recipe should look like this:

      " | "
      " | "

      Do not use empty lines or line endings, if the recipe can be placed within less then three rows or cols. E.g. to craft plates, you can use a shape like this:

    • data: (string | number)[]

      an array explaining the meaning of each character within mask. The array should contain three values for each symbol: the symbol itself, item id and item data.

    • Optional func: CraftingFunction

      function to be called when the craft is processed

    • Optional prefix: string

      recipe prefix. Use a non-empty values to register recipes for custom workbenches

    Returns WorkbenchShapedRecipe

  • Adds new shapeless crafting recipe. For example:

    Recipes.addShapeless({id: 264, count: 1, data: 0}, 
    [{id: 265, data: 0}, {id: 265, data: 0}, {id: 265, data: 0},
    {id: 266, data: 0}, {id: 266, data: 0}, {id: 266, data: 0}]);


    • result: ItemInstance

      recipe result item

    • data: { data: number; id: number }[]

      crafting ingredients, an array of objects representing item id and data

    • Optional func: CraftingFunction

      function to be called when the craft is processed

    • Optional prefix: string

      recipe prefix. Use a non-empty values to register recipes for custom workbenches

    Returns WorkbenchShapelessRecipe

  • getFuelBurnDuration(id: number, data: number): number
  • Parameters

    • id: number
    • data: number

    Returns number

    fuel burn duration by fuel item id and data

  • getFurnaceRecipeResult(id: number, data: number, prefix?: string): ItemInstance
  • Parameters

    • id: number
    • data: number
    • Optional prefix: string

      recipe prefix used for non-vanilla furnaces

    Returns ItemInstance

    furnace recipe resulting item

  • getFurnaceRecipesByResult(resultId: number, resultData: number, prefix: string): java.util.Collection<FurnaceRecipe>
  • Gets furnace recipes by result and custom prefix


    • resultId: number

      result item id

    • resultData: number

      result item data

    • prefix: string

      recipe prefix used for non-vanilla furnaces

    Returns java.util.Collection<FurnaceRecipe>

    [[java.util.Collection]] object with all furnace recipes found by given params

  • getWorkbenchRecipesByIngredient(id: number, data: number): java.util.Collection<WorkbenchRecipe>
  • getWorkbenchRecipesByResult(id: number, count: number, data: number): java.util.Collection<WorkbenchRecipe>
  • removeFurnaceFuel(id: number, data: number): void
  • Removes furnace fuel by fuel item id and data


    • id: number
    • data: number

    Returns void

  • removeFurnaceRecipe(sourceId: number, sourceData: number): void
  • Removes furnace recipes by source item


    • sourceId: number

      source item id

    • sourceData: number

      source item data

    Returns void

  • removeWorkbenchRecipe(id: number, count: number, data: number): void
  • Removes recipe by result id, count and data


    • id: number
    • count: number
    • data: number

    Returns void

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