JS object instance, containing all registered custom biomes
dimension id
custom dimension by its numeric id
dimension name
dimension by its string name specified in CustomDimension.constructor
dimension id
true, if dimension is a limbo dimension. Limbo dimension is created by Horizon automatically if you try to teleport the player to non-existing dimension
Function used to simplify the creation of terrain generator by passing a json-like structure as a single generator parameter. For detailed explanations see {@See Custom Dimensions} page
object containing all the required generator information
Specifies base generator, see CustomGenerator.constructor for details
Sets base biome for the current terrain, applicable only to "mono"
Specifies whether to use vanilla biome surface cover blocks (grass, sand, podzol, etc.). See CustomGenerator.setBuildVanillaSurfaces for details
Specifies whether to generate minecraft vanilla structures. See CustomGenerator.setGenerateVanillaStructures for details
An array of terrain layers descriptions, each one representing its own terrain layer. See MonoBiomeTerrainGenerator.addTerrainLayer for detailed explanation
Can be either string for an existing dimensions ("overworld", "nether", "end") or -1 to disable mods generation. See CustomGenerator.setModGenerationBaseDimension for details
Specifies what generator type to use. Default and the only currently available option is "mono", that is equivalent to creating a MonoBiomeTerrainGenerator
Overrides default generator of vanilla dimension
vanilla dimension id, one of the Native.Dimension values
custom landscape generator used for vanilla dimension
Transfers specified entity to the dimension with specified id
numeric id of the
numeric id of the dimension to transfer the entity to
Generated using TypeDoc
Namespace used to create and manipulate custom dimensions