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Namespace Threading

Module used to create and manipulate threads. Threads let you execute time-consuming tasks without blocking current execution thread


Type Aliases

ErrorMessageFormatFunction: ((error: any, priority: number) => string)

Type declaration

    • (error: any, priority: number): string
    • Function used to format error messages in a custom way


      • error: any
      • priority: number

      Returns string


  • Function used to create formatted error message with the full debug information about exception in one of the threads. Usually called by Core Engine


    • error: any

      java.lang.Throwable instance or javascript exception

    • name: string

      thread name used to localize errors if there are any

    • priority: number

      current thread priority

    • formatFunc: ErrorMessageFormatFunction

      function that formats the exception itself

    Returns string

  • getThread(name: string): java.lang.Thread
  • Gets thread by its name


    • name: string

      name of the thread

    Returns java.lang.Thread

    java.lang.Thread instance representing the thread

  • initThread(name: string, func: (() => void), priority?: number, isErrorFatal?: boolean, formatFunc?: ErrorMessageFormatFunction): java.lang.Thread
  • Creates and runs new thread with specified function as a task


    • name: string

      thread name used to localize errors if there are any

    • func: (() => void)

      function that runs in the new thread. Usually it is some time-consuming task, that is executed in the new thread to avoid blocking user interfaces

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional priority: number

      priority of the thread (integer value). The higher priority is, the quicker the task will be executed. Default value is 0

    • Optional isErrorFatal: boolean

      if true, all errors in the thread are considered fatal and lead to fatal error AlertDialog, formatted with formatFunc

    • Optional formatFunc: ErrorMessageFormatFunction

      function that formats exceptions in the thread to display in fatal error AlertDialog

    Returns java.lang.Thread

    java.lang.Thread instance representing created thread

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