Function used to format error messages in a custom way
Function used to create formatted error message with the full debug information about exception in one of the threads. Usually called by Core Engine
java.lang.Throwable instance or javascript exception
thread name used to localize errors if there are any
current thread priority
function that formats the exception itself
Gets thread by its name
name of the thread
java.lang.Thread instance representing the thread
Creates and runs new thread with specified function as a task
thread name used to localize errors if there are any
function that runs in the new thread. Usually it is some time-consuming task, that is executed in the new thread to avoid blocking user interfaces
priority of the thread (integer value). The higher priority is, the quicker the task will be executed. Default value is 0
if true, all errors in the thread are considered fatal and lead to fatal error AlertDialog, formatted with formatFunc
function that formats exceptions in the thread to display in fatal error AlertDialog
java.lang.Thread instance representing created thread
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Module used to create and manipulate threads. Threads let you execute time-consuming tasks without blocking current execution thread