  • Public
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Class that is used to give mobs, animations and blocks custom shape.


  • Render




isChangeable: boolean
isEmpty: boolean
localCache: {} | Cache
model: Render.Model
parts: {}

Type declaration

renderId: number
renderer: Render.Renderer


  • Adds a part to the render by its full name. The part should be descendent of one of the six default parts, see ModelPart for details.


    • partName: string

      full name of the part separated by "."

    • Optional partParams: PartParameters

      specifies all the parameters of the part

    Returns Render.ModelPart

    newly created part

  • checkChangeable(): void
  • fromCache(data: Cache): void
  • getID(): number
  • getId(): number
  • Returns number

    render id that can be used to set render to the mob, animation or block

  • Parameters

    • partName: string

      full name of the part separated by "."

    Returns Render.ModelPart

    a part of the render by its full name. By default, there are six parts available to the user. However, you can create your own parts that suit your needs and get them by their names.

  • getRenderType(): number
  • initModel(): void
  • loadInitialState(name: string): void
  • loadState(name: string, isLocal: boolean): void
  • saveState(name: string, isLocal: boolean): void
  • saveToNext(name: string, isLocal: boolean): void
  • Sets the content and all properties of the part by its full name.


    • name: string

      full name of the part separated by "."

    • data: PartElement[]

      array of part data objects to be applied to the part

    • params: PartParameters

      specifies all the parameters of the part

    Returns void

  • Sets all the properties of the part by its full name.


    • partName: string

      full name of the part separated by "."

    • Optional partParams: PartParameters

      specifies all the parameters of the part

    Returns void

  • setTextureResolution(...params: any): void

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