Constructs new WindowLocation instance with default position and size (fullscreen window)
Constructs new WindowLocation instance with specified parameters
Window height
Window scale
Horizontal window scroll
Vertical window scroll
Window width
Window horizontal position
Window vertical position
Window position on layers
Constant used to represent bottom padding
Constant used to represent left padding
Constant used to represent right padding
Constant used to represent top padding
window location as a js object. Note that paddings are not included into the object
Creates a copy of current WindowLocation object
newly created copy of the object
unit size (in pixels) in the window's bounds
window's rectangle in the [[]] object
unit size (in pixels) in the fullscreen context (screen width / 1000)
window's height in units
window's width in units (always 1000 by definition of the unit)
Transforms dimension in fullscreen units to the dimension within window's bounds
value to be transformed
Sets window's scroll size to the windows size to remove scroll
Sets window location parameters
X coordinate of the window
Y coordinate of the window
width of the window
height of the window
Sets window location parameters from another WindowLocation. Note that paddings are not copied instance
another WindowLocation instance to copy parameters from
Sets padding of the window
value of the padding to be assigned to appropriate window bound
Sets the four paddings of the window for the appropriate bounds
Sets scrollable window size. Should be greater then window width/height for the changes to take effect
scrollable window size along the X axis
scrollable window size along the Y axis
Sets the size of the window
window's width
window's height
Sets window's Z index. Z index determines how the window will be displayed when several windows are open
window Z index
Transforms dimension within window's bounds to the dimension in fullscreen units
value to be transformed
Generated using TypeDoc
Class representing window's location. All coordinates are defined in units (given screen's width is 1000 units)