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Object to specify needed params for custom liquid block


  • LiquidDescriptor



bucket?: { id?: string; texture: { meta?: number; name: string } }

Optional section, if added, this will create fully functional (including dispensers) bucket items

Type declaration

  • Optional id?: string

    Optional, name id for bucket item, by default it is nameId_bucket

  • texture: { meta?: number; name: string }
    • Optional meta?: number
    • name: string
flowing: { id?: string; texture: [string, number] }

Object to describe dynamic liquid block texture, and name id additionally

Type declaration

  • Optional id?: string

    Optional, name id for dynamic liquid block, by default it is nameId

  • texture: [string, number]

    Unlike static liquid blocks, for dynamic ones, texture must look like texture.liquid.png (with no index)

inCreative?: boolean

Whether to add liquid block to creative inventory, default is false

isRenewable?: boolean

True if the liquid will be renewable, as water, this parameter is false by default

modelTextures?: string
name: string

Name of the block to be displayed

still: { id?: string; texture: [string, number] }

Object to describe static liquid block texture, and name id additionally

Type declaration

  • Optional id?: string

    Optional, name id for static liquid block, by default it is nameId_still

  • texture: [string, number]

    For static liquid block, textures must be of standard block texture format

tickDelay?: number

Delay between liquid spreading steps in ticks. This is optional, default value is 10

uiTextures?: string

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