Vanilla block ID to inherit some of the properties. Default is 0
Makes block use biome color source when displayed on the vanilla maps
Specifies the time required to destroy the block, in ticks
Specifies how block resists to the explosions. Default value is 3
Specifies how player walks on this block. The higher the friction is, the more difficult it is to change speed and direction. Default value is 0.6000000238418579
If non-zero value is used, the block emits light of that value. Default is 0, use values from 1 to 15 to set light level
Specifies how opaque the block is. Default is 0 (transparent), use values from 1 to 15 to make the block opaque
Block color when displayed on the vanilla maps
Block material constant. Default is 3
Unique string identifier of the SpecialType
If true, all block faces are rendered, otherwise back faces are not rendered (for optimization purposes). Default is false
Specifies the layer that is used to render the block. Default is 4
Sets render type of the block. Default is 0 (full block), use other values to change block's shape
If true, the block is not transparent. Default is false
Specifies sounds of the block
If non-zero value is used, the shadows will be rendered on the block. Default is 0, allows float values from 0 to 1
Generated using TypeDoc
Special types are used to set properties to the block. Unlike items, blocks properties are defined using special types, due to old Inner Core's block ids limitations