  • Public
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Special types are used to set properties to the block. Unlike items, blocks properties are defined using special types, due to old Inner Core's block ids limitations


  • SpecialType



base?: number

Vanilla block ID to inherit some of the properties. Default is 0

color_source?: ColorSource

Makes block use biome color source when displayed on the vanilla maps

destroytime?: number

Specifies the time required to destroy the block, in ticks

explosionres?: number

Specifies how block resists to the explosions. Default value is 3

friction?: number

Specifies how player walks on this block. The higher the friction is, the more difficult it is to change speed and direction. Default value is 0.6000000238418579

lightlevel?: number

If non-zero value is used, the block emits light of that value. Default is 0, use values from 1 to 15 to set light level

lightopacity?: number

Specifies how opaque the block is. Default is 0 (transparent), use values from 1 to 15 to make the block opaque

mapcolor?: number

Block color when displayed on the vanilla maps

material?: number

Block material constant. Default is 3

name?: string

Unique string identifier of the SpecialType

renderallfaces?: boolean

If true, all block faces are rendered, otherwise back faces are not rendered (for optimization purposes). Default is false

renderlayer?: number

Specifies the layer that is used to render the block. Default is 4

rendertype?: number

Sets render type of the block. Default is 0 (full block), use other values to change block's shape

solid?: boolean

If true, the block is not transparent. Default is false

sound?: Sound

Specifies sounds of the block

translucency?: number

If non-zero value is used, the shadows will be rendered on the block. Default is 0, allows float values from 0 to 1

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