Any other user-defined methods and properties
Client TileEntity prototype copy
Any other user-defined methods and properties
Events of the container's client copy
Example of the client container event function
Example of the client container event function
Events that receive packets on the client side
Example of the client packet event function
Example of the client packet event function
Called when the client copy is created
Called every tick on client thread
Called on destroying the client copy
Events of the container on the server side
Example of the server container event function
Example of the server container event function
Default data values, will be initially added to field
Events that receive packets on the server side
Example of the server packet event function. 'this.sendResponse' method is only available here.
Example of the server packet event function. 'this.sendResponse' method is only available here.
Use ItemContainer that supports multiplayer
Called when player uses some item on a TileEntity
true if the event is handled and should not be propagated to the next handlers. E.g. return true if you don't want the user interface to be opened
Called when a TileEntity is created
Occurs when the TileEntity is being destroyed
true to prevent TileEntity object from destroying (but if the block was destroyed, returning true from this function doesn't replace the missing block with a new one)
Occurs when a block of the TileEntity is being destroyed. See Callback.DestroyBlockFunction for details
Called to get the UI.IWindow object for the current TileEntity. The window is then opened within TileEntity.container when the player clicks it
Called on client side, returns the window to open
Called on server side and returns UI name to open on click
Called when a TileEntity is initialised in the world
Occurs when a projectile entity hits the TileEntity. See Callback.ProjectileHitFunction for details
Occurs when the TileEntity should handle redstone signal. See Callback.RedstoneSignalFunction for details
Called when more liquid is required
Called every tick and should be used for all the updates of the TileEntity
Generated using TypeDoc
Interface passed to TileEntity.registerPrototype function