Constructs a new Item animation on the specified coordinates
Creates render if it was not previously created and applies all the parameters from animation description
Describes animation parameters for the future use. Call load or loadCustom to actually launch the animation
an object containing all the required data about animation
Animation material, can be used to apply custom materials to the animation
RenderMesh object to be displayed with animation
Numeric id of the Render object to be displayed with animation. Can be obtained using Render.getId
Animation scale, default is 1
Name of the texture to be used as render's skin
Describes item to be used for the animation
item parameters object
Item count, will be transform to display an appropriate animation
Item data
Item extra
Whether the item should be in glint state or not
Item id
Shader material name
If true, the position of the item will not be randomized
If string "x" is passed, the item is rotated 90 along x axis, if "z" is passed, the item is rotated 90 along z axis, otherwise the item is rotated according to the rotation array along all the three axes
Item/block size, default is 0.5
Skin name to be used for the render. If no skin is passed, default item skin is used
Same as Item.describeItem
Destroys animation and releases all the resources
ShaderUniformSet object for current animation's render
Loads animation in the world
Loads animation in the world registering it as an Updatable
function to be used as Updatable.update function
Creates a set of transformations for the current animation
Refreshes the animation
Resets light measuring position for the animation (to its coordinates)
Resets all the transformations made via Item.transform calls
Sets specified coordinates as light measuring position for the animation. In other words, animation lightning will be calculated as if animation was at the specified coordinates
Sets light measuring to match the animation coordinated
Makes the animation ignore light at all
if true, animation position will be interpolated between tick calls
Specifies item rotation along the three axes
Specifies item size, default value is 0.5
Specifies item size and rotation via single function call
Changes the animation's position
Sets light measuring position to always match day/night lightning, even when the animation is not directly illuminated
Render.Transform object for current animation's render
Refreshes the animation
Generated using TypeDoc
Item animations are used to display items or blocks models in the world